Browsing All Posts published on »March, 2008«

letting go of non-essentials

March 27, 2008


“Several years ago in one of our leadership workshops, a Jamaican man from the World Bank named Fred told a story that moved people very deeply. A few years earlier he had been diagnosed with a terminal disease. After consulting a number of doctors, who all confirmed the diagnosis, he went through what everyone does […]

thinking about easter

March 20, 2008


On cultural assumptions, and the life of Christ The religious thinking of the day, prior to Jesus’ coming was that the Messiah, King of the Jews, would come and immediately reign on earth over an earthly kingdom. People were looking for pomp and circumstance, a display of power, and victory over enemies. Isn’t that the […]

finding my place

March 7, 2008


I just volunteered at our church for the Interfaith Hospitality Network, a local organization that coordinates churches to house homeless families for a week at a time. That’s the sort of thing that puts me in my place. If is weren’t for friends and family, I could be there. But what spirits. One guy did […]