The Path of Peace

Posted on March 30, 2023


There is no path to peace.

The path TO peace does not exist out there somewhere.

The path OF peace lies within.

The path of peace begins with inner peace.

Cultivating Contentment and Inner Peace

Conquering others takes force.

Conquering yourself takes true strength.

Knowing what is enough is wealth.

There is no greater calamity

than not knowing what is enough.

There is no greater fault

than desire for success.

Therefore knowing that enough is enough

is always enough.

If we focus on achieving more and more

We don’t remember to appreciate

what we already have and who we truly are.

Follow one’s heart and act in sync with one’s nature.

One should follow one’s heart

and act in sync with one’s nature,

this will benefit society as a whole.

We do this by being nothing more or less than ourselves,

who we really are.

Recognizing our position in the world,

our abilities and limitations,

and then acting accordingly,

will bring happiness and inner peace. (Zhuangzi)

Taoism – How to Find Inner Peace

(Taoism – Tao Te Ching – Lao Tzu)

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